February 1, 2021

Developing Body Weight Exercises to Keep Progressing Your Training at Home

The UK is in yet another lockdown. Not only is this news exhausting, but it might also mean that you can no longer get in that training you promised yourself in your New Year’s resolution. If you promised yourself that this year is your year to get strong for your game and excel it to the next level, don’t let the gyms closing stunt your progression. Instead change that mindset around and know that although you might be at home, progressing your body weight exercises can be just as effective as picking up and throwing around heavy weights in the gym.

Things to know when body weight training

Never underestimate the power of body weight. We might be used to moving it everyday but when you train against it, you are opening up a whole new level of difficulty. When we reduce the load (i.e. don’t add weights to an exercise) it is important to increase the intensity of exercise in order to add pressure to the body. Adding intensity doesn’t mean you have to go super fast either. You can do any of the following:

  1. Increase the repetitions completed
  2. Add pauses in the eccentric or concentric phase of a movement to increase time under tension
  3. Hold positions to isolate muscles being used
  4. Decrease rest between exercises
  5. Complete exercises slowly
  6. Complete exercises with more speed (but make sure you keep the form)

Always keep exercises simple

It’s really easy to get sucked into the Instagram Influencers world and feel like you should be completing double tuck jumps into single handed push ups into a back flip in order to warrant progression with your strength training – but this is all for show. The best exercises are those that are simple and work the whole body, or even better, those specific to your sport.

You should always have a reason for completing exercises and know how it is going to help your game. The reason shouldn’t be ‘Laura on Instagram did it’. Have a go at adding the following exercises into your strength training to help progress your strength for netball.

  1. Squat (Why? Whole body exercise helps to increase quad power and strength to help you jump higher)
  2. Reverse Lunge (Why? Single leg exercise will help you to build stability and help reduce injury on landings)
  3. Press Ups (Why? Will allow you to produce and increase upper body power and strength to help make your passing more powerful)
  4. Tricep Dips (Why? Will allow you to build strength in your core and arms meaning you can pass with more power; especially when off balance)

The Golden Rule: Earn the right to progress

You must make sure you master each movement before you progress it. Progressing too early often means a sacrifice on your form and therefore you put yourself at risk of injury or loose any gains you might have achieved before. It’s always best to change the mode and format of your exercise first to keep things interesting (see ideas above) rather than worrying about changing the exercise too soon. Remember repetition and form and number 1!

Ready to progress? Keep it simple.

There are lots of progressions you can add to the most humble of bodyweight exercises to make them extra spicy. Whenever you are progressing them, make sure that you are focusing on your form and isolating your muscles too. Think of each progression as a level – only one you have completed the level perfectly can you move on.

Take a look at my favourite Reverse Lunger progressions below and give them a go in your next work out:

  1. Reverse lunge – Knee to Floor – Toes Down
  2. Reverse lunge – Knee to Floor – Laces Down
  3. Reverse Lunge – Knee to Floor – Lift Back foot 90 degrees
  4. Lift front foot on books/block – Knee to Floor – (Use any above variation to get back to standing

So however you are choosing to train from home. Make sure to keep it simple, keep changing up the intensity and remember the golden rule – earn the right to progress. Head over to our Instagram for more workout inspiration or have a go at our 31 Day Challenge to get you challenging your body every single day!