September 1, 2021
How Often Should You Train the Basics at Performance Level?
“There is always a need for basic skill training regardless of the level of experience or performance an athlete has”
This was a question I was asked on socials this month and I thought it was an issue worth addressing on a larger scale than the Instagram character limit will allow.
The truth is, there is always a need for basic skill training regardless of the level of experience or performance an athlete has.

I think there is often a misconception that in order to have athletes that perform at their best, you need to coach complicated sessions, filled with drills and development and tactics to make sure that your athletes are constantly challenged. Whilst there is a place for all of this, especially at performance level, it is still important not to neglect basic footwork, agility and ball work training in sessions as this is every athletes bread and butter!
I am a firm believer that athletes, not matter their stage of development must earn the right to progress. And I am not afraid of ripping up the coaching plan and stripping a session right back to basic movement patterns if I don’t feel as though players are turning or moving with enough efficiency through the court.
Done well, footwork, agility and ball work practices (or FAB sessions as known by our members) can be VERY challenging. They are a great tool to use to help with movement on the court and can be completed in an interval style to add extra fatigue and fitness training into the mix. They are at the start of every session I coach as I truly believe that with the right fundamental skills athletes can excel their performance on court no matter how hard the conditions I throw at them.
So in answer to the question, athletes should ‘train the basics’ every single session. Because without them, they will not play to their full potential. Whilst the exercises you complete might look different when coaching an U19 performance athlete and a U9 beginner, the skills are still the same.
Don’t forget the golden rule – players must earn the right to progress! If they can’t do a movement, do’t be afraid to strip a session back and re-coach. You’ll be glad for it in the long run!
Remember that you can join the NET membership for access to over 100 skills videos focusing on the fundamentals of the game and strength and conditioning too! Fancy signing your club up? Get in touch to hear about our club membership options.