September 1, 2020
How To Be Seen on Court
“Selectors want players they can mould and coach to be a better, stronger and more skilful athlete”
The current COVID restrictions in the UK have undoubtedly changed the way we play the game. With living rooms and gardens becoming our new netball court, parents and siblings our new team mates and netball fitness our new go to exercise, there is no doubt that we are all biting at the bit to get back on court playing the game we love. So with SuperLeague Franchises such as London Pulse and most recently Manchester Thunder announcing that they will be holding ‘virtual’ trials ahead of physical trials in September, many of you are not looking for the best way to trial well, be seen and secure that important space at your local Hub, NPL or perhaps Club team.
Trailling for selection is not as complicated as you might think. Selectors are not looking for well versed, perfected athletes. They are looking for athletes with good basic skills, a good attitude and someone who is able to respond positively to direction. If you are trialling for Hubs, selectors want players they can mould and coach to be a better, stronger and more skilful athlete.
Trialling should not be seen as an individual task. Selectors also want to see that you are able to work well as part of a team. If you are the player that gets the ball receptively down the court, chances are you are not working with the team in order to find an option. Try changing your mindset and look to find space on the court. By doing this you will be supporting your team and allowing them to transition the ball down to the ball more effectively to the shooting circle.
Finally, the most important thing to remember is to do the basics well. Passing, footwork and movement are crucial to the game. If you can show a selector that your passes are accurate, your footwork is strong and you are able to move at speed and with purpose you will be one step closer to securing a spot. Luckily there are lots of drills and videos out there to help you practice. Have a look at our IGTV and Youtube channels for lots of solo training videos you can use to help you prepare for your upcoming trials.
Most importantly, have fun and Good Luck!
Share this infographic with your teammates to help them all on the road to success.