April 1, 2022
Why ‘Failing’ makes you a Better Player
There is no secret to success. Whilst a coach can give you all of the best advice, best opportunities, best coaching or anything else, they cannot guarantee your success. And no matter how hard you train, how much you love and breathe your game, you too cannot guarantee your success.
You will fail along the way.
Whether that failure is losing a game, not being selected for a squad, not being able to master a skill on the first try, not being able to lift a proscribed weight in your gym programme, or simply just not achieving what you feel you deserve.
You will fail.
But failure doesn’t need to mean the end of success. Failure is just experience. Something you live through, overcome and use to be successful next time.
Without failure you wouldn’t be motivated to reach your goals. You wouldn’t need to train harder. And you wouldn’t aspire to be more than you are.
So whatever your failure is, embrace it, rename it as a ‘future success’ and keep on going!
It will be worth it!
If mindset in the game is something you struggle with, why not going the NET Membership? Our Training Partner Nikala Smith is an expert on player mindset and has released some exclusive videos for members too help you to tackle all sorts of obstacles in the game!